She says, I am teaching You to love Yourself She says, trust yourself no matter where your heart takes you, we will always be there, together. and so Love loves me again, and brings me back to myself - (c) 2021 Sophia Kelly

Love brings me back to myself

She says,
I am teaching You to love Yourself
She says,
trust yourself
no matter where your heart takes you,
we will always be there, together.
and so Love loves me again,
and brings me back to myself

This is a mini-poem I wrote during a very difficult time in my life, when I was drawing heavily on my internal resources and my faith in Love Herself. I hope this image and words help you, wherever you are in remembering that while a given relationship may be hard, or even harmful, and that we may love someone who does not have our best interests at heart, that Love, the energy, the blessing, the authentic spirit of Love is inherently good and can never fail us. Boundaries are part of making space for Love. May we all be blessed with Her presence.

Written 2015, Sophia Kelly, words (c) 2015, image (c) 2021). You are welcome to use or share this image provided it is used with the copyright info intact and visible.

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